// // Help! Evil alien creatures have hidden eggs all over the Earth // and they're starting to hatch! // // Before you jump into battle, you'll need to know four things: // // 1. You can attach functions to structs: // // const Foo = struct{ // pub fn hello() void { // std.debug.print("Foo says hello!\n", .{}); // } // }; // // 2. A function that is a member of a struct is a "method" and is // called with the "dot syntax" like so: // // Foo.hello(); // // 3. The NEAT feature of methods is the special parameter named // "self" that takes an instance of that type of struct: // // const Bar = struct{ // number: u32, // // pub fn printMe(self: Bar) void { // std.debug.print("{}\n", .{self.number}); // } // }; // // (Actually, you can name the first parameter anything, but // please follow convention and use "self".) // // 4. Now when you call the method on an INSTANCE of that struct // with the "dot syntax", the instance will be automatically // passed as the "self" parameter: // // var my_bar = Bar{ .number = 2000 }; // my_bar.printMe(); // prints "2000" // // Okay, you're armed. // // Now, please zap the alien structs until they're all gone or // Earth will be doomed! // const std = @import("std"); // Look at this hideous Alien struct. Know your enemy! const Alien = struct { health: u8, // We hate this method: pub fn hatch(strength: u8) Alien { return Alien{ .health = strength * 5, }; } }; // Your trusty weapon. Zap those aliens! const HeatRay = struct { damage: u8, // We love this method: pub fn zap(self: HeatRay, alien: *Alien) void { alien.health -= if (self.damage >= alien.health) alien.health else self.damage; } }; pub fn main() void { // Look at all of these aliens of various strengths! var aliens = [_]Alien{ Alien.hatch(2), Alien.hatch(1), Alien.hatch(3), Alien.hatch(3), Alien.hatch(5), Alien.hatch(3), }; var aliens_alive = aliens.len; var heat_ray = HeatRay{ .damage = 7 }; // We've been given a heat ray weapon. // We'll keep checking to see if we've killed all the aliens yet. while (aliens_alive > 0) { aliens_alive = 0; // Loop through every alien by reference (* makes a pointer capture value) for (aliens) |*alien| { // *** Zap the alien with the heat ray here! *** ???.zap(???); // If the alien's health is still above 0, it's still alive. if (alien.health > 0) aliens_alive += 1; } std.debug.print("{} aliens. ", .{aliens_alive}); } std.debug.print("Earth is saved!\n", .{}); }