exclude trailing newlines and spaces

Tobias Simetsreiter 2 years ago
parent 980a278ccc
commit ae193c08c3

@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ const Exercise = struct {
const exercises = [_]Exercise{
.main_file = "001_hello.zig",
.output = "Hello world",
.output = "Hello world!",
.hint = "DON'T PANIC!\nRead the error above.\nSee how it has something to do with 'main'?\nOpen up the source file as noted and read the comments.\nYou can do this!",
.main_file = "002_std.zig",
.output = "Standard Library",
.output = "Standard Library.",
.main_file = "003_assignment.zig",
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ const exercises = [_]Exercise{
.main_file = "084_async.zig",
.output = "foo() A",
.output = "foo() A\nfoo() B",
.hint = "Read the facts. Use the facts.",
.@"async" = true,
@ -682,17 +682,19 @@ const ZiglingStep = struct {
const trimOutput = std.mem.trimRight(u8, output, " \r\n");
const trimExerciseOutput = std.mem.trimRight(u8, self.exercise.output, " \r\n");
// validate the output
if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, output, self.exercise.output) == null or output.len != self.exercise.output.len) {
if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, trimOutput, trimExerciseOutput) == null or trimOutput.len != trimExerciseOutput.len) {
\\{s}----------- Expected this output -----------{s}
\\{s}----------- but found -----------{s}
, .{ red_text, reset_text, self.exercise.output, red_text, reset_text, output, red_text, reset_text });
, .{ red_text, reset_text, trimExerciseOutput, red_text, reset_text, trimOutput, red_text, reset_text });
return error.InvalidOutput;
