base_url = "" title = "Dan Tiskifer" description = "Dan Tiskifer writes stories, adventures and settings for tabletop roleplaying games, as well as leads regular rounds. They prefer rules-light systems, like Mothership and Cthulhu Dark." generate_feed = true compile_sass = false build_search_index = true minify_html = true theme = "tiskifer" taxonomies = [ {name = "tags", feed = true}, ] [markdown] highlight_code = true [extra] toc = false use_cdn = false favicon = "/menu_icon/avatar.png" headerImage = "/menu_icon/avatar.png" menu = [ { name = "Campaign Log", url = "/tags/campaign", weight = 1, icon = "campaign.png" }, { name = "Projects", url = "/projects", weight = 1, icon = "projects.png" }, { name = "About", url = "/about", weight = 2, icon = "avatar.png" }, ] socials = [ { name = "fediverse", url = "", icon = "mastodon" }, { name = "discord", url = "", icon = "discord" }, ]