+++ title = "Introduction" date = "2023-02-02" +++ ## Who is this? Tabletop role playing fan, storywriter, puzzle fan, idealist. Loves rules-lite systems, that are not about heros, but normal people experiencing inexplicable things. Favorite systems include [Mothership](https://mothershiprpg.com) and [Cthulhu Dark](https://pelgranepress.com/2017/06/01/cthulhu-dark/). ## How can I reach Dan? Dan can be reached via the Fediverse (some might call it Mastodon) handle [@rpg@m.k0r.in](https://m.k0r.in/@rpg) or on [itch.io](https://koehr.itch.io/) and [drivethru](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/browser/publisher/22867). ## So, who is this, but for real now!? Dan Tiskifer is the alter ego of Norman Köhring. They are big sci-fi RPG fans and have a passion for writing stories for their players. In the real, professional world, they do web development. More can be found at their homepage [k0r.in](https://k0r.in) that also lists all the social media accounts. ## Why that name? Dan? Tiskifer?! It's a puzzle.