You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
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#The nexessary stuff/decessary stuff
base_url = ""
title = "Dan Tiskifer"
description = "Dan Tiskifer writes stories, adventures and settings for tabletop roleplaying games, as well as leads regular rounds. His favorite system is Mothership."
generate_feed = true
compile_sass = true
minify_html = true
taxonomies = [
{name = "tags", feed = true},
highlight_code = true
highlight_theme = "ayu-dark"
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#Full path after the base URL required. So if you were to place it in "static" it would be "/favicon.ico"
favicon = ""
#This header image is used for SEO. For example if you were to share an image via Messenger/Instagram/Twitter a preview picture is also presented
headerImage = ""
# The icon is display besides the menu text but is not necessary. It needs to be placed under "menu_icon" in the static "folder"
menu = [
{ name = "Campaign Log", url = "/tags/campaign", weight = 1, icon = "campaign.png" },
{ name = "Projects", url = "/projects", weight = 1, icon = "projects.png" },
{ name = "About", url = "/about", weight = 2, icon = "avatar.png" },
#The icons available can be found in "social_icons" in the "static" folder
socials = [
{ name = "fediverse", url = "", icon = "mastodon" },
{ name = "discord", url = "", icon = "discord" },