#The nexessary stuff/decessary stuff base_url = "https://syedzayyan.github.io/shadharon" title = "Heisenberg" description = "Walter is kind, caring and timid, but also demanding, calculating, and ruthless. His invented pseudonym, Heisenberg, becomes an alter ego – a fantasy for him to live out a love of power. Beneath both sides of his dual personality, he views the world in the rarefied scientific terms of chemistry." generate_feed = true compile_sass = true minify_html = true taxonomies = [ {name = "tags", feed = true}, ] [markdown] highlight_code = true highlight_theme = "ayu-dark" [extra] toc = true use_cdn = false #Full path after the base URL required. So if you were to place it in "static" it would be "/favicon.ico" favicon = "" #This header image is used for SEO. For example if you were to share an image via Messenger/Instagram/Twitter a preview picture is also presented headerImage = "" # The icon is display besides the menu text but is not necessary. It needs to be placed under "menu_icon" in the static "folder" menu = [ { name = "Projects", url = "/projects", weight = 1, icon = "projects.png" }, ] #The icons available can be found in "social_icons" in the "static" folder socials = [ { name = "github", url = "https://github.com/syedzayyan/", icon = "github" }, ]